What are the different chopping board uses? Explained


An essential tool that doesn't require any introduction as the cuisines that are different or for any staple diet, these are primarily needed to get the savory meal. Some like it for the functional aspects only while some select a peculiar board that serves both functional and presentable aspects of it. So, let’s discuss the types and uses of a chopping board in great detail. 

What is a chopping board?

It is a most well-known tool in the kitchen yet so minimal and very primarily used that tragically loses its credibility in the ongoing later aspects of cooking. The chef or a cook gets the credit for making a savory recipe that packs a tasty punch for patience, a skillset, and many other infinite things. It is commendable though, but the topic is the chopping board here, so let's bring it into the deserving limelight that should be shunned over this underrated tool. 

  • It is on this tool the fine chops of veggies that take a shape or form that dips within the recipe-making process. 
  • It is on this that half of the work is done. 
  • It is a tool that proves not only a knife should take pride in precisely chopping veggies but also a need for a fine surface that supports it. 
  • It is that even level that plays right at the finish of the recipe. 
  • This is the tool on which a chef can hone his/her cutlery and precision skills. 

Types of chopping boards

Let's discuss the major 2 types of chopping boards that are often found and suggested in kitchens.

Wooden Chopping Board:

A versatile kitchen tool designed to slice and chop stuff that forms a great deal in your recipe. These wooden boards are made of maple, bamboo, oak, and other various hardwoods to push forward the idea of aesthetics of the kitchen or dining area where these boards are used. 

The quality of wood favors several aspects; 

  • certain woods with anti-microbial properties make the food preparation safe to kill the bacteria. 
  • Adds a natural aesthetical value to the overall kitchen decor. 
  • The wooden board even offers the platter direct to the fork & knife action if designed flat. 
  • Though the surface is smooth, the little frictional aspect lets the dough roll without slipping off. 
  • These boards have natural heat resistance properties for resting hot pots and troughs.
  • The best piece is well-suited to carve meat and poultry as wooden boards are naturally prone to have minimum thickness and durability(but need constant sanitation). 

Plastic Chopping Board:

A popular addition to kitchen tools in the form of a chopping board is the plastic one. These boards are made of mostly high-density polyethylene to provide a hygienic surface as the plastic has for long garnered a bit of a negative reputation. These boards can be seen in various colors and the substance can be crafted into flexible designs that add to the aesthetics of the kitchen with a modern touch. 

  • These resist moisture as no gaps are to be found in the overall surface design. 
  • These are less prone to bacteria when compared to wooden boards. 
  • Though discolored due to wear and tear, the quality of assistance might not lost. 
  • Since it is an artificially designed one, various designs can be expected. 
  • These are generally lightweight and portable in size. 
  • These reduce the risk of cross-contamination and are easy to clean and maintain. 

Uses of different chopping boards 

Preparing Food:

Cooking is primarily chopping and slicing that makes the veggies or other ingredients feasible for cooking to extract a desired recipe. It's only a conscious chef's choice to make food distinct from other cuisines varies but a good chopping board adopts the style or type of the slicing. What can be a better option than a purposefully crafted chopping board that offers a smooth and stable surface for any kind of ingredients to be cut? Mincing spice ingredients and kneading dough, one and all are done for cooking with this essential tool. 

Fruit & Bread Slicing: 

The seasoned fruits are perfectly carved to trigger or serve any of such varied cravings. Some chopping boards are specifically designed to cut the cylindrical fruits to get equal slicings for a salad or dessert. When every meal should be met with a delightful salad that involves chopping, this is the tool to resort to. 

Certain boards do a double job as a pastry board too that lets a loaf of bread be finely cut. This type even takes the cheese grate to be set on the board to decorate the bread to get a desired continental bread or dairy recipe. 

Essential Partnership with Knives:

Out of a few unseverable partnerships, the combination of chopping board and knife stays atop as an indispensable pair. The partnership is the mutual complimentation between the board and knife as one lets the other take an amount of credit while preparing food. It is when the sharp knife with a swing through a veggie or fruit meets an end on the sturdy surface of the chopping board and begets a perfect slice. If the chopping board is not hard enough then there is a chance of scars left on the board. This is a critical component of maintaining food hygiene by preventing cross-contamination. Together this partnership enhances efficiency in the kitchen and culinary precision. 

Food Presentation and Decor:

The shapes and colors of a few chopping board enhances the look of the kitchen. When unused these are hung or suspended from the racks or spread about the wall to present a vibrant look. The wooden or peculiarly shaped chopping boards offer a fresh perspective and aesthetics to the kitchen. 

As we know the boards also present the platter adapting the quality of a serving plate, the food color contrasting with the color of the board creates a visually striking effect. Multiple boards of such set distinct standards for different foods and help in organizing and layering. The strategical use of certain boards serving food and other side savorings offer a textured backdrop that enhances the visual appeal of the food which garners much appreciation during hosting a house party. These minimal tools have the completing nature or quality to set the overall theme and presentation at the dining area too. 

How to choose the right chopping board

  1. Each material has its advantages and disadvantages, make sure it suits your needs and preferences.
  2. Ensure the board is considerably large and thick to accommodate your mincing and slicing tasks which also provides stability.
  3. Select a that is easy to clean and a surface that has features so as not to mix up the flavors of two different recipes.
  4. Wooden chopping boards or some thick plastic boards ensure durability through the wear and tear acts.
  5. Select those that are resistant to stains to have their peculiarity among the kitchen decor when dormant.
  6. Choose a knife-friendly board that has both a give-and-take attitude that complements the swing and sharpness of the knife.
  7. Select them as it is a part of other presentable or serving cutlery on the dining table to avoid unnecessary tools and strenuous cleaning aftermath.
  8. Ensure the board has non-slip features with a little friction it offers that doesn't let the food slide away while slicing ingredients.


Select what suits your preference among the different types of chopping boards that prepares and presents the food.


What foods use chopping?

Foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, certain herbs, meat, garlic and ginger, cheese, and bread are the major ones to have chopped for any dish.

What is the process of chopping food?

Rinse and clean the ingredients, dry them, and position them securely on the chopping board, find a slicing partner and ensure with precision to arrive at a desired slice that is appropriate to make a recipe.

What is chopping food good for?

Chopping food is required to let the food look great to savor the peculiar taste each food offers. Another important aspect of chopping is to easily extract the minerals in the food that help in digestion and distribution of such across our body.Â